Exam Portal Management

It is a system developed to perform content management in a simple way for exams to be held within your institution.

  • Content management system
  • Demand management system
  • Task management system
  • News management system
  • Announcement management system

Exam portal management system

With the content management of qulakexam you to prepare your exam portal in an integrated way. In this process, the exam portal can be prepared and published easily without the need for any coding.

Exam Portal Management

qulakexam Sınav süreçlerine ait portal, haber ve duyuru yönetimini karşılar.

Demand management

Through the existing demand support system on the qulakexam system, all kinds of demands regarding the system can be forwarded to the system officer online and support can be requested.

Task management system

It ensures that all the tasks of the qulakexam system work in a hierarchical manner among the users in the system through the system.

News Management System

With qulakexam system, all news about your exam processes are delivered to registered users. In addition, it ensures that different news customized for users visiting the portal are prepared and published.

Announcement management system

qulakexam system sends all announcements about your exam processes to registered users. It also enables different announcements customized for users visiting the portal to be prepared and published.

What is Safe Exam browser?

The safe exam browser is a security software developed to prevent participants who take the exams held online, from doing any other activities on the computer during the exam. Thanks to this software, exam participants can only see the exam screen and perform exam procedures.

Browser and tab control

qulakexam safe exam browser is automatically launched from the exam screen, running as a full-screen application. It does not allow any other tabs to run.

Search engine and other websites

qulakexam prevents the user from accessing any search engine and website if the secure exam browser is open.

Screen sharing and virtual machines

qulakexam safe exam browser is opened, it prevents the computer's screen sharing and virtual machine applications from running.

External ports

qulakexam safe exam browser prevents the operation of external ports connecting to the computer.

Cut / Copy / Paste Operations

qulakexam safe exam browser prevents operations such as Cut - Copy - Paste.

Information sharing

qulakexam safe exam browser closes applications that are open on the computer and use the Internet.